"Chinese shares have come down significantly from their all-time highs. There are some companies which have problems which is good but other companies other industries in China will continue to do well, no matter what happens. Chinese agriculture is a great place to be and the pollution clean up is a great place to be. You are going to see some bankruptcies in China in the next year or two. There are some good things in China, and some are bad."

Could a US China US Trade Deal happen ?
"Yes it will because both sides need it and they both have expectations. So yes, there is going to be some good news coming out fairly soon and we will all be happy for a while. But it will not last very long because the next time the American stock market or the economy starts having problems."
President Donald Trump vs Rest of the World
"Mr Trump is going to blame that [stock market problems] on Asia and come out with more trade war not just against China but against Japan, Korea and everybody because Mr Trump in his heart thinks trade war is good. He is surrounded by people who think trade war is good. He thinks he can win a trade war. He does not know history, thinks he is smarter than history or both."
President Donald Trump could benefit from studying History
"I know he[Trump] is thinking he is smarter than history and I doubt if he knows history. So, we will have more trade wars next year, the year after and that is why another reason the next time we have a bear market, it is going to be the worst in my lifetime.
Jim Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.