Monday, January 5, 2015

Jim Rogers owns US Dollar even though he doesnt have confidence in it

I don’t have any confidence in the U.S. dollar, it’s just that I see more turmoil coming – and in times of turmoil, rightly or wrongly, many people race to seek the safe haven of the U.S. dollar. It’s not a safe haven, but it’s perceived that way.

So as this turmoil develops, and you see it happening now, the dollar will go higher. At some point, I’m going to have to sell my dollars and turn around and buy something else. What? I don’t know – maybe then it’ll be the Swiss franc, although that’s very unlikely . . .  or maybe gold or maybe silver at that point. 

Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.