You should invest in only what you know about. However, I have put some of my money in places that are depressed like Japan, Russia and agricultural commodities. I do own some real assets like silver and gold. However, I have not bought silver and gold for a while, but if prices fall further, I will buy more gold, and again the best is to stay with what you know.
ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) has lots of agricultural produce, so this might be a relatively less dangerous place to be. While agricultural prices are depressed and we may see more problems, we’re not going to see disastrous problems. Stocks in the New York Stock Exchange can fall by 60% to 70% when things get bad but I don’t see sugar or rice prices falling by that amount. Agricultural prices have fallen and may start to turn around.
Avoid technology stocks, especially the mainly US-listed social media and biotechnology stocks as their valuations are extremely high. Salaries of employees are also very high. Even if there’s no tech bubble, the share prices certainly look expensive. I will not be putting my money there.
Jim Rogers is a smart investor who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973. By 1983 the fund gained more than 4000 percent.